this is mom.. in d 1st pic.. she acted silly when i sed i wanna take her pic.. i took it.. she saw it.. she was complaining.. hence.. took d 2nd one.. kinda blurry.. still she complained.. lol... but eventually.. her dotter did not care n got a whoop in d butt.. lol..
this is dedi, a new retiree.. his hair? lol.. its genetically like tat.. 3 of my other uncles (dad is d eldest) r getting whiter too.. fortunately its only in d male's blood.. in tat pic.. he was FORCED to smile.. he was like "errrgghh... hurry up.. nah nah nah.. eeeee" *snap..* tats his fav little seat n he is my tele enemy at home.. notice d remote in his hand? yup..
rite.. we went out whole day.. went shopping for mom's stuf.. she went highly excited.. for an exchange of wallet.. she bot me this new body glove one..
after a reli long walk (dad was complaining) i brot them to this kopitiam..
mom LOVES this place.. she sed d place is just like how it used to b when she was young.. n here she got excited of d little tea cups.. n the pattern on them.. i was asked to take a gud picture of it.. d poses for d cups? were done by MOM n DAD..
den a few more walks n we r redi 2 go home.. d deco for d mall is pretty nice in reality.. not in pictures... its silvery white n glittering blue n all.. below wil b d 'day' look..
here r some of d 'night' looks.. its reli breathtaking if u can c it for urself.. alot of ppl were taking pictures in front of tat place.. was jam tat time.. lol..